[Pythonmac-SIG] Where is Python-Sans

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 00:11:19 +0100

At 5:37 PM -0500 11/5/99, Gordon Worley wrote:
>I don't remeber seeing a message about this on the list, but the current
>version of MacPython (1.5.2c1) does not include Python-Sans anymore.  Sure,
>I've already got it, but what about all the newbies and people who've lost
>it.  Was this just an oversight, or was it done on purpose?

A bit of both ;-)
I included the Python Sans font when the IDE was still a separate package,
and later that package just went in the distribution as it was. Now it is
more integrated (the IDE lives on the top level, yay!), but there is not a
clear place where to put additional stuff. The default font for
windows/buttons is more sensible now: it takes geneva 9 instead of monaco.
(Btw.: has anyone noticed the "Set default window font" preference menu?)
Another oversight are the IDE readme and manual, which are not in the
distribution currently. Shame on me. But I still don't know _where_ I
should put them....

>Which reminds
>me:  why is the IDE now strewn around the Python folder rather than in one
>place?  This seems odd to me (like something one of those Windows guys
>would do).

All of the IDE sources live in :Mac:Tools:IDE: and the IDE scripts live in
:Mac:IDE scripts:. So that's two places... The idea was to put the scripts
in an easy-to-find place and let the sources live somewhat deeper in the
tree, since they are interesting for less people.
