[Pythonmac-SIG] dlmodule for MacOS?

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 02:00:00 +0100

At 2:02 PM -0800 3/11/99, Joseph J. Strout wrote:
>I've just learned of dlmodule, which supposedly allows you to call
>arbitrary C functions from Python.  I understand this is somewhat
>dangerous, but it may be just what I need to interface shared libraries
>we're currently using with Lisp, with Python as well.  But though I see
>dlmodule.c in the source tree, I don't seem to have a compiled dlmodule in
>my MacOS distribution.  Anybody know if & how dlmodule works under MacOS?

I don't even know dlmodule, but on MacOS we have Jack's wonderful calldll.
It's in the standard distribution. Unfortunately it's only for PPC, but...
what the heck. It's very cool. It could use some improvements, but for
simple cases it works rather well. Be sure to read samplecalldll.py in the
demo folder, too.
