[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython IDE doesn't reload edited files

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 16:20:34 +0100

At 9:13 AM -0500 3/8/99, Jon Wight wrote:
>Unfortunately I've got a lot of modules and I don't really want to wade
>through them to find which I need to reload and which I don't (I'm lazy).

You could just reload them all... Or write a little script that does that
for you.

>So basically this is the old python doesn't reload problem. I was assuming
>this was kind of fixed in the IDE. Guess not.

?? The IDE can't "fix" Python... It's a complicated problem: if you edit
something in B.py, there is no way to know that A.py depends on it and
would need reloading.

>My current solution is to edit
>the files in BBEdit and then just launch the main module from the finder.
>Slow but it works.

Please try the partial class reloading mechanism I described earlier.
