[Pythonmac-SIG] gensuitemodule, Filemaker

Bill Bedford billpy@mousa.demon.co.uk
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 20:01:41 +0000

At 2:28 pm +0200 05/02/99, Erik van Blokland wrote:

>Is there someone in this SIG who has experience with gensuitemodule and
>FileMaker Pro? Letting gensuitemodule sniff at FileMaker results
>FileMaker_Suite.py, URL_Suite.py and something called (shudder!)

You can ignore the last one and use Table_Suite.py which is in
Mac:Lib:Scripting. -- It's just an extention of the Standard suite that
adds classes and properties relevent to databases and spreadsheets.

Bill Bedford
Owner Brit_Rail-L mailto://autoshare@mousa.demon.co.uk
For the history of Railways in Britain.