[Pythonmac-SIG] Error in PyDebugger.py / bdb.py

savageb savageb@pacbell.net
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 15:13:14 -0700

I have been getting an error message whenever I try to clear a breakpoint
(that is either by clicking on a breakpoint in the source window, or
deleting from the 'edit breakpoints' window).

TypeError: too many arguments; expected 2, got 3

file PyDebugger.py;
line no. 563, in clear_break
    bdb.Bdb.clear_break(self, filename, lineno)

This seems to happen consistently. The only way I have figured out how to
clear breaks is to copy the code out of the file, throw the old file away,
and paste the code into a clean file.

If I try to "clear all breaks" I get a KeyError.

file bdb.py;
line 231, clear_all_file_breaks
    blist = Breakpoint.bplist[filename, line]