[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: [Plot-SIG] plotting package for MacOS?

Jim Boyle boyle5@llnl.gov
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 09:06:30 -0800

Joe Strout wrote:

>Any recommendations on a plotting package for MacOS?  I'm especially
>interested in scientific plots, i.e., I want to replace Matlab with NumPy,
>but I need Matlab's powerful graphing and plotting capabilities.
>I looked over the list at
>	http://starship.skyport.net/crew/jhauser/plot-res.html
>but none of them sound too promising.
>If none is available -- and assuming I can convince my boss to let us stick
>with Python anyway -- then I'll be writing one.  The idea I've been kicking
>around involves a plot object to which you assign functions to do the
>low-level drawing (lines, polygons, text, etc.).  So the plot engine would
>be portable; you'd just plug in functions to use your native drawing
>commands (or not -- maybe you'd plug in postscript drawing commands, or
>gdmodule (GIF) functions, or whatever).
>But that's the sort of thing the plot-sig is presumably interested in... is
>there already such a package in the works?

This does not solve your problem but suggests a direction for development.
Recently, it was announced that OpenGl would be a part of the MacOS maybe
with 8.6? This would a appear to be a portable and powerful way to go all
the way from line plots to 3d rendering. The python extension for OpenGl is
pretty good and complete.

Jim Boyle