[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Problems installing Python 1.5.1 for Mac

Adam Weisser aweisser@kau1.kodak.com
Wed, 20 May 1998 09:42:07 +1000

Jack Jansen wrote:
> Adam, didn't I answer this same question a week or so ago, or was that from
> someone else with the same problem? Or did I forget to push "send" in the end?

Wasn't me Jack. I'm new here... You did answer my request for Mac

> Anyway, here goes. First thing to try is to remove all files with "python" in
> their name from the system folder. You'll probably have a "PythonCore 1.5.1"
> and a "Python 1.5.1 Preferences". Remove your Python and do a new install.

Done... and this is what I get when it tryies to configurePython:

I cannot import the Res module, nor load it from either of
toolboxmodules shared libraries. The errors encountered were:
import Res: No module named Res
load from toolboxmodules.CFM68K.slb: toolboxmodules.CFM68K.slb: File not
load from toolboxmodules.ppc.slb: toolboxmodules.ppc.slb: File not found

> If this doesn't help do the following:
> - double-click python while keeping the option keep depressed.
> - in the following dialog, select "trace import statements". Press OK.
> - At the prompt, type
>   >>> import sys
>   >>> print sys.path, sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix
> - send me the result.

You got it:

Python 1.5.1 (#37, Apr 27 1998, 13:36:04)  [CW PPC w/GUSI w/MSL]
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
# WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:exceptions.pyc matches
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:exceptions.py
import exceptions # precompiled from WS2:Applications:Python
# WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:site.pyc matches
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:site.py
import site # precompiled from WS2:Applications:Python
# WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:os.pyc matches
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:os.py
import os # precompiled from WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:os.pyc
import mac # builtin
# WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:macpath.pyc matches
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:macpath.py
import macpath # precompiled from WS2:Applications:Python
# WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:string.pyc matches
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:string.py
import string # precompiled from WS2:Applications:Python
import strop # builtin
# WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:stat.pyc matches
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5
import stat # precompiled from WS2:Applications:Python
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.path, sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix
['', ':', 'WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:', 'WS2:Applications:Python
1.5.1:Lib', 'WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:PlugIns',
'WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Lib:lib-tk', 'WS2:Applications:Python
1.5.1:Mac:Lib', 'WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Mac:Lib:lib-toolbox',
'WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Mac:Lib:lib-scripting',
'WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:Extensions:img:Lib']
WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1: WS2:Applications:Python 1.5.1:

Can anybody help me?


Adam Weisser                               aweisser@kodak.com.au
CI Digital Imaging Products & Services     ph:   +61 3 9353 3923
Kodak Australia                            fax:  +61 3 9353 3940