[Pythonmac-SIG] Applescript-Python cooperation

Th. Fettig tom@sz-sb.de
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:16:57 +0100

While looking for Applescript/AppleEvent-Support in Python 1.4,
i found out that there was no way to talk to running applescripts.
What i had in mind was an interface that should allow constructing a complex
appleevent, containing arguments of types like strings and file references,
sending it to a known handler (by handler name) of the script, with
tha ability to receive return values or events. 

Does any of this functionalty exist in Python 1.5? The Python-1.4 way
of integrating applescriptable applications (the 'concept' of ripping the 
aete-resource and converting it) seems not feasible. 

Has anybody tried to solve this problem? How did it end?

