[Pythonmac-SIG] ftplib.storbinary problem

Doug Wyatt doug@sonosphere.com
Sun, 23 Aug 1998 20:00:30 -0400

Hi all,

Here's another problem that has come up in my switch from Python 1.5a2 to

I'm using ftplib.storbinary to transfer a file to a server.  I'm using a
16K blocksize.  The file I'm transferring is 364494 bytes in size, but the
server is only receiving 360448 bytes.  360448 is a multiple of 16K.

I tweaked ftplib.storbinary to show its progress...

	def storbinary(self, cmd, fp, blocksize):
		'''Store a file in binary mode.'''
		self.voidcmd('TYPE I')
		conn = self.transfercmd(cmd)
		totalSize = 0
		while 1:
			buf = fp.read(blocksize)
			if not buf: break
			l = len(buf)
			totalSize = totalSize + l
			print l
		print 'totalSize=',totalSize
		return self.voidresp()

It looks like conn.send() might now be asynchronous and thus conn.close()
is getting called before the transfer is complete?  I don't know how else
to explain this.

[10 minutes later]

Indeed, yes, if I change it to:

			conn.send(buf, socket.MSG_WAITALL)	# WAITALL - dsw

it works!!!

Am I reporting this to the right place?


Doug Wyatt                             doug@sonosphere.com
Sonosphere (electric/improv music)     http://www.sonosphere.com/
"Accidental Beauties" CD release:      http://www.sonosphere.com/wyatt/
available from CMC, 1-800-882-4262     http://www.MusicDiscoveries.com/