[Pythonmac-SIG] Simple AppleScript Class

Jay Painter jpaint@serv.net
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 15:25:16 -0700 (PDT)

I've written a very simple convinence class for writing AppleScript with
the OSAm module.  I'm sure it could be better, but here's the class and a
quick example.  Suggestions are greatly appreshated...

class AppleScript:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.script_list = []
        for i in range(len(args)):

    def Append(self, *args):
        for i in range(len(args)):

    def AppendScript(self, applescript):
        self.script_list = self.script_list + applescript.script_list

    def Clear(self):
        self.script_list = []

    def Text(self):
        return string.join(self.script_list, '\n') + '\n'

    def CompileAndExecute(self):
        import OSAm
        return OSAm.CompileAndExecute(string.join(self.script_list, '\r'))

    def CompileAndSave(self, path):
        import OSAm
        return OSAm.CompileAndSave(string.join(self.script_list, '\r'),path)


script = AppleScript(
   'tell application "Finder"',
   '  empty trash',
   'end tell'

script.CompileAndExecute() # executes it
script.CompileAndSave(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'trashscript'))

... emptys the trash.

I've had problems with the ExecuteCompiledScript method in OSAm that I'm
trying to fix, so I have to use a small script to launch the saved
applescript from above:

	    launch_script = AppleScript(
                'set scriptobj to (load script file "%s")' %
(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'trashscript')),
                'tell scriptobj',
                '  run',
                'end tell'

launch_script.CompileAndExecute() # runs the saved/compiled applescript

This should probably be part of the applescript class, but I'm hoping to
get RunCompiledScript working in OSAm so I don't have to do this anymore.

Jay Painter -- jpaint@serv.net -- jpaint@gimp.org -- jpaint@real.com