[PYTHONMAC-SIG] MkPluginAliases crash

Ned Schumann ned@olympus.net
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 18:57:22 -0800

Thanks so much for the helpful replies from Guido, Bill Bedford, Steven
Majewski and Joe Strout.

Bill - yours was on the mark and because of it am now up and running. In
case the issue pops up again here's the story....

Unpacking Python 1.4 CFM68K onto a Mac OS Version 7.6 without version 4.0
of  CFM-68K Runtime Enabler will crash the system immediately after
invoking MkPluginAliases.

The solution is to replace ' CFM-68K Runtime Enabler' in the Extensions
folder by version 4.0 or later from
/CFM-68K/. Follow the 'Readme' that is packed with the 'Enabler', then
invoke MkPluginAliases and resume the Python distribution instructions.

As Bill points out, ' CFM-68K Runtime Enabler' is back in 7.6.1 for 68030
and 68040 processors.

Townsend Communications, Inc

>At 5:19 pm +0100 25/04/97, Steven D. Majewski wrote:

>~Wasn't CFM68K disabled on 7.6 ?
>~I think so  -- they do have some patches to fix it and re-enable it,
>~but I don't think they were ready when 7.6 went out the door.
>~I assume that is the cause of your problem.
>~Look on apples update web sit.
>They put it back in in 7.6.1  -- This is from the readme
>* CFM-68K Runtime Enabler included for computers with 68030 and 68040
>Computers with 68030 and 68040 processors can now use programs that require
>the CFM-68K Runtime Enabler. The CFM-68K Runtime Enabler is a system
>extension which allows application programs to share code resources.
>Because of a problem with this extension, it was not included with Mac OS
>7.6. This problem has been fixed.

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