jeffrey P. Shell jshell@inconnect.com
Mon, 16 Sep 1996 14:18:52 -0600

[NOTE: i originally sent this reply just to Joseph, but realized it's info the 
whole list might need.  Also, since this writing I've picked up Alpha and have 
been rather impressed, but since i have the full BBEdit i think i will use that 
for now]

Joseph Strout wrote:
> In my never-ending quest for a Mac programming language for kids that
> doesn't suck, I've recently been looking at Chipmunk Basic.  It comes with
> a very cool feature: a BBEdit plug-in that adds a "Run as Chipmunk Basic"
> command to the Extensions menu.  You edit your source in BBEdit (Lite),
> pick this off the menu, and poof! the Mac switches to Chipmunk Basic,
> loads your code, and executes it.
> In Python, the most efficient paradigm I've come up with is to edit my
> code, save it, then switch to the Finder and drag the file onto the Python
> app.  Then when it's done I have to be sure to quit (Python).  This is not
> terrible, but the BBEdit extension is nicer.
> Of course, *nicest* would be a Mac Python IDE.  Edit your code (with
> syntax hilighting), command-R to run, command-D to debug, set breakpoints
> just by clicking the little stop signs in the sidebar...  ah, but now I'm
> just dreaming...

you know, if i had CodeWarrior, i'd make that extension.. :)  i use BBEdit (i
got the full 3.5.2 now) extensively.  I can't remember if BBEdit lite has this
function, but in BBEdit 3.5 there's a small menu on the Phillips bar (?) that
has a seperate item for each mac folder leading to the file, including the
file itself.  Combining that with Snitch (a freeware utility that extends the
finders "Get Info" command and allows you to set Type/Creator) to set the
files to load Python instead of BBEdit, i pull down that menu, click on the
file in the finder (it just finds it for you basically), and run it.  I know
there's a Run Perl extension out as well, so a Python one shouldn't be too
hard to make..  if only i had the right tools at this time.. :)

i think a few well-placed letters to BareBones software about Python would be
nice as well.  The full versions of BBEdit offer a lot of little programming
helps, and i think 4.0 colorizes the code.  But Python isn't supported (yet).
A Mac-Python IDE would be nice, but you seldom get really really good editors
like BBEdit in such an environment.  (Hell, even BBEdit Lite is so far above
anything else i've used on the mac to date)

.jPS || jshell@inconnect.com || http://www.cynapses.com/ry/

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