[PYTHONMAC-SIG] Missent...

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 13:12:46 +0100

This was missent to the owner-pythonmac-sig address...

------- Forwarded Message

Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 16:41:53 -0500
To: owner-pythonmac-sig@python.org
From: tomf59@sgi.net (Tom Fetherston)
Subject: Python and Super/Hyper Card

Hi all,

I still am spending more time writting Tcl code for the Python mode than I
am writting Python, but I am getting a better hang of what is going on in
the language. (new version soon, I hope).

Anyway, I have a couple of ideas that I thought I would float for comment.

Both HyperCard and SuperCard support the use of code resources know as
xcmd's and xfnc/s.  There are a lot of these out there that do stuff that
would be useful in a mac-python app.  Has anybody wriiten anything to take
advantage of them?

I think that this should be doable in straight mac python from what I've
seen of it.

The other idea is a bit more complicated.  It seems to me that it should be
possible to make an xcmd out of python itself. such an xcmd would allow you
to make an embeded application in HyperCard or SuperCard (or any
application that can use xcmds) just by importing the python xcmd

I can't do this as I lack the knowledge (and the CodeWarrior compiler),
however, I would like to do this someday unless someone else beats me to it
(which would be welcomed).

The marriage of Python and SuperCard would be a particularly powerful one,
much like tkinker, only with a better Mac look and feel.

Tom Fetherston

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