[PYTHONMAC-SIG] Requests for next release

Tom Fetherston tomf59@sgi.net
Mon, 16 Dec 1996 22:45:36 -0500


I keep getting this back as undileverable, so I send it to you (and just cc
it to the sig).

I'am still working on some more "good stuff" for the next release of the
python mode for the Alpha editor, (which I'll go over in another note),
however, there are a few things that could be added to the python
distribution itself that would make for a better marriage between python
and Alpha (or even BBedit, if someone writes the functions to take
advantage of what I am proposing).

Much of the stuff in the python mode was "lifted" from the Perl mode.  The
marriage between Perl and Alpha is very close due to the extensive
appleEvent suites built into Perl.  If we could get the same sort of suites
added to the mac-python distriution, then the Alpha-python developement
evirionment could be made much nicer.

Things that you can do in the Alpha-perl environemnt, send a file, buffer
to perl and get back a result window, use perl prgrams as filters/sorter
etc. for files/text that you have open in Alpha, get a debug window showing
program exectution. Create droplets and cgi program right from alpha.

Now I can hear the groans from the mac-python maintainer, but there should
be some help available.  The perl aete resource must be fully written as
the python program that helps you to interface to AE's seems to pick up all
the supported events.

The Perl code is available so it should be possible to graft on the AE code
mac-python, in fact, I believe that the GUSI code by  Matthias Neeracher is
already part of mac-python.

Perhaps the authors of MacPerl could be of assistance.

Any thoughts?

Tom Fetherston

PYTHONMAC-SIG  - SIG on Python for the Apple Macintosh

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