[Pythonedu-wg] Outreach to High Schools

Chalmer Lowe chalmer.lowe at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 21:45:03 EST 2016

peter: will you be coming to PyCon this year?
we have a group of educators meeting at the Python Education Summit, the
day before the Con starts officially. Would be many folks there, who might
be interested in what you have to share.

python education summit

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 3:37 PM Peter Farrell <funcalculus at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello to the workgroup!
> I'm a long-time reader and first time poster. I just listened to a podcast
> with Jessica McKellar saying the PSF Is interested in getting Python
> adopted by more high schools and colleges. I've done a lot of work to that
> end. I think Python could revolutionize math instruction since it's
> revolutionizing everything from data science to web development to modding
> Minecraft.
> As a math teacher I learned some coding and passed it on to students. I've
> held Python and Pi meetups here in the Bay Area. Last year I collected my
> Python explorations ranging from basic turtle geometry to calculus and the
> result is *Hacking Math Class with Python
> <http://www.farrellpolymath.com/>*, available as a pdf on my website and
> coming soon to an online bookstore near you. I've also posted dozens of
> tutorial videos on my YouTube channel, mostly on doing math using Python.
> I would love to teach Python to STEM teachers, and if anybody knows of a
> contact person like a district technology director or coordinator please
> let me know and I'll reach out.
> Thank you in advance!
> Peter Farrell
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Chalmer Lowe, MS

Dark Art of Coding
Booz Allen Hamilton
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