[Python.NET] Getting handles to .NET objects, un-referencing modules

Joe solarjoe at posteo.org
Fri Apr 20 07:20:19 EDT 2018


I have a .cs file that contains

public struct SomeStruct

public static class SomeClass

So far I use it with PythonNET like

import clr
from Module import SomeClass, SomeStruct


My problem is now that I need to work with dlls with
identical names and no version number set, so PythonNET will
not see them as two different dlls but as the same.
Even if I import them using the full path with AddReference.

Now I would like to use them as stated here


x = clr.AddReference('c:\\Test\Module.dll')

But how would I get the handle to SomeClass and SomeStruct ?

Another way would be to un-reference the dlls after each use, as 
described here


How would that syntax look like?

Kind regards,

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