[Python.NET] clr ImportError

Denis Akhiyarov denis.akhiyarov at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 03:37:43 EDT 2016

I would start with clean installation of pythonnet wheel from PyPi or
source on master branch on github, preferable in conda env or virtualenv.
Also make sure you have no left-over clr.pyd or Python.Runtime.dll files in
system or python paths.

I used pt(i)python with no problems before. But what happens if you remove
it completely?

It is possible to debug this, but let's first find out if this is

The way I normally debug this initialization code is by checking
Debugger.IsAttached and sleeping the thread if the flag is false.

On Thursday, July 14, 2016, Daniel Fernandez <fernandez_dan2 at hotmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone has ran into this before. I have latest
> pythonnet installed and everything is working great. I have been using for
> the last couple of weeks with python 3.5.2 (32 bit) on Win 7 box. I decided
> to try out ptpython so I pip install it. Now I am getting a
> "ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function
> (PyInit_clr)" error.
> I go back to the normal python repl window and the same error occurs.  Has
> anyone seen this before and what's the best way to debug this?
> Thanks.
> Danny
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