[Python.NET] Memory leak problem in function "AsManagedObject"

Eliana Mendes eliana.mendesp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 15:46:59 EST 2016

Thank you all for the answers!

I got the source code from the githup and built it myself, as you
suggested. Unfortunately the memory leak problem remains even with this
latest branch. But this time I was able to figure out where the problem is!

The problem is not inside the “AsMangedObject”” as I thought before, but
instead it is inside the “GetItem(int index)” method which is inside the "
*pyobject*" class. This method creates a new instance of *PyInt *and a new
instance of *PyObject*. Those are exactly the objects that my memory
profiler was showing. In order to fix my problem I had to first edit this
method to be like this:

    public virtual PyObject GetItem(int index) {

        PyInt key = new PyInt(index);

        PyObject item = GetItem((PyObject)key);


        return item;


After doing that, in my code, I had to add a dispose for myTuple[i]. So I
changed my code to look something similar to this:

                 PyObject tupleResult = myTuple[0];

                 results[0] =


By doing those changes the problem was entirely fixed!

I’m not sure who to contact exactly about changing the source code, but I
would highly recommend in making those changes in the “GetItem” method in
order to avoid someone else having the same memory problem.

Thanks a lot for all your help!

Best regards,


2016-01-18 16:54 GMT-06:00 Denis Akhiyarov <denis.akhiyarov at gmail.com>:

> Your binaries are rather outdated..
> Here is the latest branch:
> https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/tree/develop
> And binaries here:
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pythonnet/2.1.0.dev1
> http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pythonnet
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016, 4:47 PM Eliana Mendes <eliana.mendesp at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Tony,
>> Thanks a lot for your answer! I actually just got directly the
>> “Python.Runtime.dll”  from the download link in sourceforge:
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pythonnet/files/. But from the
>> description I see that the last update of that one was done in 2013. Would
>> there be a newer version somewhere else that I could get?  Perhaps this
>> version I’m using is out of date and you have a newer one. Let me know if
>> that’s the case.
>> I tried your suggestion of putting the “using” statement for the tuple
>> objects, and also for “myTuple”, and the memory is still increasing a lot.
>> I’ve made a memory profile to see which objects are being retained and
>> after I ran that statement 5 thousand times I got this:
>> [image: Imagem inline 1]
>> As you can see more that 12 thousand instances of “PyInt” and more than 6
>> thousand of “PyObject” are created . Apparently it is creating these
>> “PyInt” and “PyObjects” somewhere inside the “AsManagedObject”, because I
>> don’t have PyInt objects anywhere in my code and this just happens when I
>> call “AsManagedObject”.
>> Let me know if there is a newer version that could probably have that
>> problem fixed which I am not aware of.
>> I appreciate a lot your help!
>> Best regards,
>> Eliana
>> 2016-01-17 6:05 GMT-06:00 Tony Roberts <tony at pyxll.com>:
>>> Hi Eliana,
>>> which version of pythonnet are you using? when you say you're using the
>>> latest are you building it yourself from the develop branch on github?
>>> I had a quick look at the code that converts from a python object to a
>>> double, and I don't see any obvious memory leaks there. Perhaps the leak is
>>> the objects resulting from indexing into the tuple are never getting
>>> disposed? Try something like this instead and see if it helps (and report
>>> back as it may help improve the code if we know exactly what the problem
>>> is).
>>> PyTuple myTuple = PyTuple.AsTuple(result);
>>> double result0;
>>> using (var item0 = myTuple[0])
>>>     result0 = (double)item0.AsManagedObject(typeof(double));
>>> double result1;
>>> using (var item1 = myTuple[1])
>>>     result1 = (double)item1.AsManagedObject(typeof(double));
>>> myTuple.Dispose();
>>> I would also use a using statement for the myTuple as well, just to be
>>> sure dispose is called in the case an exception is thrown somewhere.
>>> Regards,
>>> Tony
>>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 8:06 PM Eliana Mendes <eliana.mendesp at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello experts,
>>>> I'm having a memory leak problem when using the
>>>> function AsManagedObject(typeof(double)). Basically I have something like
>>>> this:
>>>> PyTuple myTuple = PyTuple.AsTuple(result);
>>>> double result0 = (double)myTuple[0].AsManagedObject(typeof(double));
>>>> double result1 = (double)myTuple[1].AsManagedObject(typeof(double));
>>>> myTuple.Dispose();
>>>> where "result" is just a PyObject that returned from a python function.
>>>> I simplified the code above just so you can understand better, but the
>>>> thing is that the line that calls "AsManagedObject”  is executed thousands
>>>> of times and it is increasing significantly the memory heap (it goes over 3
>>>> GB of memory in my scenario and it’s not released after execution). If I
>>>> don't call just this specific function the memory remains stable. But I
>>>> don’t know any other way to convert the PyObject to "double" unless using
>>>> the “AsManagedObject” function.
>>>> It sounds to me that some objects are allocated inside the
>>>> "AsManagedObject" method and they are not being released. Maybe it’s a bug
>>>> there. Any ideas? I'm using latest version of python for .NET.
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Eliana Mendes
>>>> Software Engineer
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