[Python.NET] It is possible to build pythonnet on python 3.4 with visual studio 2015?

germano carella germano.carella at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 00:42:24 CEST 2015

Ok Tony, thanks, it works!
Now, i've an other problem:
I'm writing a simple package browser accessible to screen readers.
For this purpose i'm using pkgutil, that iterates from modules in 
sys.path etc.
Unfortunately .net modules, even if I import clr, doesn't appear on list 
of pkgutil.iter_modules.
I tried with jedi, for autocompletion, but jedi is unable to retrieve 
classes and methods for .net modules.
There's a way to list .net modules with clr?

Il 03/09/2015 17:28, Tony Roberts ha scritto:
> Hi,
> take a look at setup.py. That's the easiest way to build it for Python 
> 3.4 (you can use the solution, but you'll need to edit some settings - 
> check setup.py to see what it sets). You should be able to modify 
> setup.py to make it pick up VS 2015 easily enough.
> regards,
> Tony
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 8:45 PM germano carella 
> <germano.carella at gmail.com <mailto:germano.carella at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi to all,
>     The question is in object: can I use python for .net on python 3.4,
>     windows 10 and visual studio 2015?
>     I tried to build solution with vs 2015, no errors when compiling. But,
>     by starting NPython.exe it seems to look at python27.dll instead of
>     python34.dll.
>     I used 2to3 script in pythonnet folder before trying to compile
>     with vs2015.
>     Now, there is any way to use it with python 3.4?
>     Thanks!
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