[Python.NET] Efficient copy of .NET Array to ctypes or numpy array

Denis Akhiyarov denis.akhiyarov at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 01:29:35 CET 2014


Thank you for quick reply. Can you give any example of how would buffer()
help converting  numpy/python arrays to managed?

For now I developed as decorator (on my personal time) that handles all I/O
conversion on python side (assumes one input and one output arbitrary

def decornet(func,T=System.Object):
    def inner(*args,**kwargs):
        res = np.array(func(listit(args[0]),*args[1:],**kwargs))
        tnum = res.dtype.type
        if tnum is np.int32:
            tnet = System.Int32
        elif tnum is np.int64:
            tnet = System.Int64
        elif tnum is np.float:
            tnet = System.Single
        elif tnum is np.double:
            tnet = System.Double
        elif tnum is np.bool:
            tnet = System.Boolean
            tnet = T
        netarr = Array.CreateInstance(tnet,*res.shape)
        it = np.nditer(res,flags=['multi_index'])
        while not it.finished:
            ix = it.multi_index
            if len(ix)==1:
                netarr[ix[0]] = res[ix[0]]
                netarr[ix] = res[ix]
        return netarr
    return inner



On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Jeffrey Bush <jeff at coderforlife.com> wrote:

> To copy from a list or tuple you need to use the Python buffer() function.
> You can use that on numpy arrays as well. In buffer form, the len() is the
> byte length so then you don't need to know the data type or size. However,
> some additional work would be required if you wanted to make sure the C#
> array was of the proper type and length.
> Jeff
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Denis Akhiyarov <
> denis.akhiyarov at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Finally decided to generate the managed object on Python side and return
>> it to C# with no conversion necessary in C#. This way I can even wrap
>> regular function with Python with @decorator to handle the conversion.  I
>> suppose the dynamic version of pythonnet may have auto conversion for
>> Python 3, but I have not tried. I'm on Python 2.7.
>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Denis Akhiyarov <
>> denis.akhiyarov at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> And more important question - is it possible to generalize the copying
>>> of python array object to managed C# array object without knowing the data
>>> type/size/length?
>>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Denis Akhiyarov <
>>> denis.akhiyarov at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> How to copy unmanaged array (python list/tuple or numpy array) into
>>>> managed C# array? I guess using Marshal.Copy, but can anyone point to
>>>> example?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Denis
>>>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Nikhil Garg <nikhilgarg.gju at gmail.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Brad and Jeff for the detailed info. For now, fromiter is
>>>>> serving me well and has reduced my processing time considerably, so I am
>>>>> just going to stick with it.
>>>>> On 29 October 2014 11:04, Jeffrey Bush <jeff at coderforlife.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I finally have a chance to chime in, and Bradley is exactly right.
>>>>>> Marshall.Copy copies the raw data, and apparently your file library does
>>>>>> not store that data in a nice, contiguous, manner. While it is highly
>>>>>> likely that copying all the data to an array in C# will be faster than the
>>>>>> fromiter in Python, I am unsure if copying all the data to an array in C#
>>>>>> then copying all the data again to a numpy array will be faster than
>>>>>> fromiter (cause you have to copy it twice). The exception is if the file
>>>>>> library has a function like ToArray that is optimized to copy the data to a
>>>>>> linear chunk of data. So, what type is "Data"?
>>>>>> Another factor is how long the chunk of data you are copying is. You
>>>>>> say the last axis is only 400 elements long. Check out my code and you will
>>>>>> see that at 400 elements long, fromiter is actually the fastest (at least
>>>>>> when I tried). An example run:
>>>>>> Copy using for loop in 0.000884 sec
>>>>>> Copy using fromiter in 0.000144 sec # fastest
>>>>>> Copy using fromstring in 0.001460 sec # fairly slow, 10.3x slower
>>>>>> than fromiter
>>>>>> Copy using Marshal.Copy in 0.001680 sec # slowest, 11.7x slower than
>>>>>> fromiter
>>>>>> I start to do better with Marshal.Copy then fromiter around 5000
>>>>>> elements copied. This is because the overhead of the mass copies is high
>>>>>> but adding each element doesn't take much time. fromstring has a lower
>>>>>> overhead but slightly longer per-element time (fromstring is better than
>>>>>> Marshal.Copy until ~200,000 elements).
>>>>>> So you might be doing as good as you can possibly do. If I knew more
>>>>>> about your file format library I might be able to provide more insight.
>>>>>> Jeff
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Bradley Friedman <brad at fie.us>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Well it makes sense to me that doing it via an iterator, and element
>>>>>>> at a time, would be slow.  There’s a lot of call overhead associated with
>>>>>>> each iteration step.  Whether it’s done in .net, or in python, or a call
>>>>>>> from one to the other, it will be slow.  It’s still a call where you’d be
>>>>>>> better off copying whole buffers.
>>>>>>> Ideally you’d pull the data into as simple and raw a data structure
>>>>>>> as you can on the dotnet side, in a buffered manner.  Then you’d execute a
>>>>>>> movement of the data across, a reasonably sized chunk of buffer at a time.
>>>>>>> This will reduce call overhead and also allow read-ahead caching to do its
>>>>>>> thing on the file-access side of things.
>>>>>>> Your suggestion of loading into a .net array and then moving that
>>>>>>> array over, makes sense.  But I think it comes down to what you can do with
>>>>>>> the third party file-format library. If its not going to provide you with
>>>>>>> the data as some kind of buffer with a cohesive and known format in memory,
>>>>>>> you’re not really going to be able to move it over without iterating over
>>>>>>> it and reformatting it at some point.
>>>>>>> Specifically, I’d point to Jeffery’s original caveat:
>>>>>>> "but does involve a number of assumptions (for example that the data
>>>>>>> in the two arrays are laid out in the same way)."
>>>>>>> The question is:  is there a way to get the data off of disk and in
>>>>>>> memory from dotnet library, where its layout in memory is known, and
>>>>>>> something you want exactly as it is, but in python?  If so, you should be
>>>>>>> able to use the methods from the afore linked thread.  If not, you’re
>>>>>>> probably stuck iterating somewhere to reformat it, no matter what.  Which
>>>>>>> is probably why you got garbage back.  I’m guessing the object returned
>>>>>>> from the dotnet file-format-library isn’t laid out right, as suggested in
>>>>>>> the afore referenced caveat.
>>>>>>> > On Oct 28, 2014, at 9:55 AM, Nikhil <nikhilgarg.gju at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Hello,
>>>>>>> > Yeah, I read data from a file say at each node and each time step,
>>>>>>> but when i try to use Marshal approach i get gibberish but when i use
>>>>>>> simple iter i get correct values. i have been trying the approach used in
>>>>>>> example in the previous post and that example makes sense but it doesnt
>>>>>>> make sense when i use it in my case. I am right now assigning it to a
>>>>>>> variable, i am now thinking of exploring the possibility of saving data to
>>>>>>> a dot net array maybe using System.Array and saving data to it but not sure
>>>>>>> if that even make sense.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Sent from my iPhone
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Nikhil
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Big whirls have little whirls,
>>>>> Which feed on their velocity,
>>>>> And little whirls have lesser whirls,
>>>>> And so on to viscosity
>>>>> (Richardson, 1922)
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