[Python.NET] Python 3 version of Python for .NET

Tony Roberts tony at pyxll.com
Fri Jul 5 16:01:27 CEST 2013

Yes, I made some changes to get it working in Python 3 a while ago. The
code's on github: https://github.com/tonyroberts/pythonnet.

I've tested it with 3.3 x64 and it works ok for me (although I've only
really used the 3.2 x64 build extensively).


On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:56 AM, Kyle Rocha <kyle.rocha at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone tried this in a 64bit process with Python 3.3?
> I've been trying to get it to run but I can't seem to get past
> "dynamic module does not define init function CLR_init" or something
> to that effect.
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