[Python.NET] getting started - can't import a simple dll

Jason Awbrey jason at awbrey.net
Wed Dec 15 02:47:29 CET 2010

Thanks.  I tried creating a test assembly with just a default constructor
and no other dependencies, and I get the same error when I try to import

I also tried setting the path variable, through windows as well as in code,
and get the same result.

Assuming my dll is named "TestLib.dll", I should be able to do
clr.AddReference("TestLib"), correct?

Do I have to strong name my assemblies, or put them in the GAC?  Or is that

Any other suggestions of how to track this down?

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Laszlo Sebo <
laszlo.sebo at primefocusworld.com> wrote:

>  It appears that some reference dependencies of the My.DLL assembly (the
> assembly containing HFF.Helper.Utilities ?) weren't found.
> Make sure that whichever referenced assembly has those classes is
> accessible through the path env variables. If needed, you can add it inside
> python, by simply doing something like:
> import sys
> sys.path.append('place where my dlls are')
> This is probably the best documentation out there:
> http://pythonnet.sourceforge.net/readme.html
> But once you get the initial assemblies to work, its fairly straightforward
> since you just use the .net classes natively from python.
> cheers,
> laszlo
> On 14/12/2010 4:53 PM, Jason Awbrey wrote:
> I'm evaluating PDN for use in an upcoming project.
> 1. installed Python 2.6.5
> 2. installed PDN - copied the clr.pyd file to Python's DLLs folder, and
> copied Python.Runtime.dll to Python's root
> 3. copy my dll (VS2010, simple C# class lib with two methods) into Python's
> root.
> 4. start python (using the python.exe from 2.6.5, not the one from PDN)
> >>> import clr
> >>> clr.AddReference("My.DLL")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find assembly
> 'HFF.Helper.Utilities'.
>    at Python.Runtime.CLRModule.AddReference(String name)
> >>>
>  I assume I'm making some incredibly obvious newbie error.  Can anyone
> point me in the right direction?
> And, where can I find good docs/reference/discussion on using PDN?
> thanks - Jason
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