[Python.NET] PyCon 2008 Open Space

Feihong Hsu hsu.feihong at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 18:32:12 CET 2008

Hi everyone, 

PyCon 2008 is just around the corner! I am organizing a Python + .NET
Open Space session. Time and place aren't completely settled yet, but
we are proposing Saturday, March 15 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. See the
PyCon Open Spaces wiki for details:


The plan is for the IronPython folks to join us on this as well,
since we have to deal with a lot of common issues. Here is what's on
the table so far:

    * Lightning talks from people who are already using Python+.NET
    * Questions from people who attended the following talks:
      - Using .NET Libraries in CPython, by Feihong Hsu
      - IronPython: The Road Ahead, by Jim Hugunin
      - End-user computing without tears using Resolver, an
IronPython spreadsheet, by Giles Thomas
      - Python in your Browser with IronPython & Silverlight, by
Michael Foord 
    * Discussion about future directions of Python + .NET
    * Discussion of IronPython related projects like Ironclad (C
Extensions from IronPython) and Coils (Static wrappers for IronPython
    * Discussion of Python inspired languages on .NET, like Cobra and
Boo and the Dynamic Language Runtime

These and other finer points are on a separate wiki page, which you
can feel free to edit:


For my Open Space lightning talk, I plan to speak about Winforms +
Handwriting + Speech (or something along those lines).

Hope to see you there,


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