[Python.NET] Patches and new release

Feihong Hsu hsu.feihong at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 14:15:22 CET 2008

I recommend splitting up the binaries and the source files when you
do the release. The binaries should have names that make it really
clear what platform and Python version they are for, e.g.


I think that would make things a lot less confusing for people.

- Feihong

--- John Burnett <JBurnett at blizzard.com> wrote:

> I’ve just applied some patches that were submitted to sourceforge
> by Joe Frayne and I (Brian Lloyd made us admins recently).  They
> seem to work fine, and can be summarized as follows:
> -Bugfix in string test (revision 91, jburnett)
> -Added 64-bit support on Windows (revision 92, jburnett)
> -Possible bugfix for delegate support in .NET 2.x (revision 93,
> jburnett)
> -Support for conversion from python float to object (revision 94,
> anonymous)
> -Fix for binding to certain generic methods (revision 95, jfrayne)
> That said, I had two questions for anyone who can help J
> -It’s been a while since there’s been a “release” of
> python.net.  The latest pre-compiled package is
> “pythonnet-2.0-alpha2-clr2.0.zip” from September of last year,
> and that doesn’t include a chunk of changes (even ignoring the
> changes above).  Does anyone know what’s involved in bundling up
> a release and posting it?  (Brian suggested that I ask here :).
> -When I applied the patches above, I forgot to add attribution to
> jfrayne in the submit log.  I’d like to go back to add it (ie.
> prepend “Patch 1874988 from Joe Frayne” to the log), but I
> can’t seem to do it.  Using TortoiseSVN, if I right-click on the
> appropriate log entry and use “edit log message”, I get the
> following error when I try to apply the change:
> ----
> DAV request failed; it's possible that the repository's
> pre-revprop-change hook 
> either failed or is non-existent
> At least one property change failed; repository is unchanged
> ----
> Is there any way I can do this?
> John
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