[Python.NET] Python 2.4 hang when calling .NET dll function

Stan Pinte stan at phidani.be
Fri Mar 25 13:03:15 CET 2005

Torgeir Johansen a écrit :

>I have been able to successfully use my .NET DLL (written in C#) using
>python 2.4 and the Python for .NET DLLs. I basically have one python module
>implementing a class that is using methods from my C# DLLs.
>My test application (singlethreaded) ran great, but when integrating the
>python module that uses the .NET DLLs in a multithreaded program, one call
>to a .NET function just hangs. All threads are hanging, and I get no
>response using CTRL+C.
>I have debugged my application using ntsd, and I do not see any bad
>behaviour from my called DLLs. Are there some issues with locking/unlocking
>mechanism when calling functions from .NET DLLs ?

Yes there are...And I don't know if they are due to interaction between
python and .net, or only to python.

I submitted a bug recently on python.org:


>Regards Torgeir
>Python.NET mailing list - PythonDotNet at python.org

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