[Python.NET] Python bridge for .NET CF

Brian Lloyd brian at zope.com
Mon Mar 21 22:22:09 CET 2005

> I am also interested if there is a way to get the
> bridge to work with Python for Pocket PCs. There is a
> Python 2.2 available for Pocket PCs from
> http://www.murkworks.com/Research/Python/PocketPCPython/Overview
> Thank you,
> Boris Capitanu

Hi Boris - 

I have a feeling this would be a tough job. The current version
of Python for .NET is based on Python2.3+, and there were some 
non-trivial changes to type structures, etc. in CPython from 2.2 
to 2.3.

You could possibly use the old preview-2 release (which was based 
on 2.2). I'm also not sure that the .NET CF supports all of the 
reflection-related things that Python for .NET needs to work.

Brian Lloyd        brian at zope.com
V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716              
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com 

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