[PythonCE] developers inquiry

Brad Clements bkc at murkworks.com
Tue Mar 18 04:06:36 CET 2008

Joseph Armbruster wrote:
> Christopher,
> Is there any way to switch the repo from cvs to svn in SF?  That's turning me 
> off from wanting to put code in there.  If it's all out of date, midas well 
> just take the snapshots currently available, switch to svn and import them into 
> a nice tree structure.
As far as I know, the cvs repo doesn't have anything useful in it.

Wayback when I updated Mark hammond's original CE port, I tried to make 
all the changes needed to get the CE stuff checked into Python's main 
trunk source. However I never managed to get it fully ironed out to make 
it acceptable for incorporation in Python's main source tree.

So as you've seen in this thread, source is typically hand-patched from 
a python trunk, then binaries are built and uploaded, and maybe the 
source tree gets zipped up too.

maybe it would be good to consider launchpad and bazaar for revision 
control. You could use the upstream support in launchpad to tie off 
Python's main svn trunk.

Personally I no longer have a working CE device, so have not worked on 
or used PythonCE for over 4 years.


Brad Clements,                bkc at murkworks.com    (315)268-1000
AOL-IM: BKClements

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