[PythonCE] cegcc on Debian etch amd64

Adam Walley adam.walley at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 17:20:12 CEST 2008

Hello, all.

I have not posted to the cegcc list before, but have been working on some
pythonCE projects, where cegcc might prove a useful tool (I hope). I realise
that the following is not really a pythonCE topic, but thought it might be
useful to some of the list's readers given some of the recent discussions.

This post was really just to confirm that cegcc can be compiled from source
(from the cegcc SF download page). I thought I should mention this, because
I did not see any amd64 packages for cegcc, and there were very few posts
relating to using cegcc with an amd64 processor or with debian (perhaps it
has gone so smoothly for everyone that no questions were asked?).

The steps I followed were:

- download the source package (platform independent)
- extract to a convenient folder
- I used 'su' privileges (though sudo might be ok too)
- run the 'build-cegcc.sh' script located in the cegcc/src folder
- if errors occur, just go through the output carefully to locate any
packages, which may not be present on your machine (I had to install 'bison'
and 'flex' using the usual 'apt-get install' command)
- IMPORTANT! before running the build script again, remove the 'build'
folder that was created in the 'src' folder during the initial failed build
attempt. If you do not do this the build script will almost certainly fail
- it can take some time to build the entire package
- I think there were some minor warnings/errors, but the cegcc structure and
files all appeared correctly
- check that the files are there in /opt/cegcc
- if you want to be able to call the compilers from a Gnome terminal window
you need to add this folder to the $PATH variable. To do this, simply edit
the /etc/profile file (use 'su' or 'sudo' to do this) and add the following
line at the end of the file:
   "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cegcc/bin"
The change will only take effect the next time you open a terminal window
- Now you can access the cegcc compilers from any folder. Type
'arm-wince-cegcc-gcc' to check that it works. The reply should be 'no input
- Now I simply followed the 'getting started' steps at
- remembering to copy across the relevant DLL files to my PDA (cegcc.dll,
cegccthrd.dll, and libstdc++.dll)
- these DLLs will work if you put them in the same directory as the EXE you
want to run, but a more sensible place for them is the main Windows
directory. These DLLs add up to about 1MB, so you don't want to be
duplicating them too much.

That's it. I can confirm that the 'hello' dialog appears on my WM5 pda.

hth (especially, like me if you are still just a beginner, or you are
looking to get started quickly).

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