[PythonCE] Import Error?

John Hampton pacopablo at pacopablo.com
Sun Aug 31 08:24:45 CEST 2008

louis at braillesoft.net wrote:
> Hi. My name is Louis Bryant. I am new to Python, especially PythonCE and 
> have and am already facing an issue. I followed the instructions given 
> at Pocket PC Python website. When I run Python from my Start Menu 
> though, I get an error saying that traceback can't be imported because 
> there is no file named OS. Though, no files are missing. OS is inside 
> the \Program Files\Python\Lib folder, along with traceback and a bunch 
> of Python modules. How can I fix this? It won't even let me run a Python 
> program from the command-line, the error is the same. Thanks.


As you're new to both Python and PythonCE, it would be helpful for those 
trying to help, to know exactly what, and where you're having an error.

What version of Python are you using?  When referring to the Start menu, 
  I'm assuming you're referring to the Windows Mobile device?  Can you 
specify the exact error shown when you're trying to run python?

Also, what device and windows version are you using?


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