[PythonCE] Programaticly moving cursor in multi-line edit control

Jared Forsyth jabapyth at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 13:40:51 CEST 2008

The way to preserve linebreaks is tp replace "\n" with "\r\n"
so: self.text_entry.text = fl.read().replace("\n","\r\n")

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 8:05 PM, Igor Kaplan <igor_kaplan at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
>  I would like to ask a little advice. Already several days I am trying to
> figure out the following problem using ppygui: How to move the cursor in
> the
> edit field to the top of that field.
>  In my code I create the frame and then Edit control:
> Self.text_entry = gui.Edit(multiline=True)
>    sizer = gui.VBox(border=(2,2,2,2), spacing=2)
>    sizer.add(self.text_entry)
> ..
>  Later I open the text file and copy it's context into that edit control:
>    fl = open(self.filename, 'r')
>    l = fl.readlines()
>    self.text_entry.text = ""
>    for i in l:
>      self.text_entry.append(i)
>  Only reason why I add the text such long way because if I just do:
> Self.text_entry.text = fl.read()
> I looze all line breaks and all text goes into 1 line.
>  After opening that file I do:
> Self.text_entry.selection = 0, 0
>  And that line does nothing. For some reasons the cursor always positions
> at the same spot in the Edit box after opening the file, somewhere in the
> middle and does not want to go to the beginning.
>  I also have another event:
> Def OnBegin(self, event):
>  Self.text_entry.selection = 0, 0
>  That event executes on menu item. And something interesting is going on.
> Sometimes cursor goes to the beginning of the edit control as it should do,
> sometimes moves to some line of the edit box, again, somewhere at the
> middle, sometimes just stays where it was.
>  I am not sure, if I am doing something incorrectly or positioning of the
> cursor does not work in ppygui?
>  Would greatly appreciate any advice!
>  Many thanks.
>   Igor.
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