[PythonCE] pygame / distutils

René Dudfield renesd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 01:09:22 CEST 2008

nice work :)

It can be easier to first try and get the SDL test programs compiling.
 Then try and get a really simple, minimal python extension
compiling... and you guessed it, try and get them both compiling
together :)

There's a few wince folks hanging out on the libsdl mailing list if
you have troubles there.


On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Adam Walley <adam.walley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I have been attempting to get something working, but have been
> struggling to get the SDL compiled correctly (without SDL, there is no point
> in trying to get pygame working). In my investigations, I came across the
> SCUMM forum. Now the SCUMMVM appears to be a fully working product on
> various platforms including WinCE. My attempts to compile some simple test
> programs using the SDL source available from the official SDL site failed
> (mostly because the source will not compile 'as is' and needs some tweaking
> which is probably beyond my capabilities). However, the SCUMM forum pointed
> me to a set of libraries from 'knakos'. I quickly set up a new project, with
> my simple test program, and lo! it compiled first time and tested correctly
> on my WM5 device. I assume these SCUMM libraries have already been adapted
> to work on WinCE, and since the SCUMM idea is to get retro graphical games
> working, I think that pygame will probably get all the functionality it
> needs from them.
> Now, on to getting pygame working! I will attempt to get some of the pygame
> source modules compiled as PYDs to see if they will import and work under
> PythonCE. I have not yet attempted to get a DLL compiled using these new
> libraries so may yet hit a wall. I will report back with any news.
> Rene, thanks for your comments. It's nice to know there is interest from the
> pygame side.
> If anyone else would like to provide comments/advice/code to get pygame
> working, it will be welcomed.
> Adam.
> On 06/08/2008, René Dudfield <renesd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> if anyone has any project files to build pygame on pythonce I'd love
>> to have them included with pygame.  I'm an author/maintainer of pygame
>> and have commit access to svn, so could add project files if someone
>> makes them... I could also add a pygame download for python CE to the
>> pygame.org download page.
>> Or you could add compilation instructions to the pygame wiki here:
>> http://pygame.org/wiki/CompilePythonCE
>> I have a winCE phone so would love to be able to get pygame running on it
>> :)
>> cheers,
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