[PythonCE] Python-2.5-20071004 vs Pocket PC 2003

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Dec 21 00:35:14 CET 2007

On 21 Dec, 2007, at 0:19, Christopher Fairbairn wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri Dec 21  3:53 , Ronald Oussoren  sent:
>> De description for the  Python-2.5-20071004 download on SF says that
>> this version will run on "any Windows Mobile 2003 or higher device".
>> I'm trying to run this on device that claims to run "Microsoft Pocket
>> PC 4.20.0 (Build 14053)", and on that device the OS claims it cannot
>> run python (using a generic message about possibly missing
>> components).  The 2006 build works fine on that system.
> Sorry this is possibly true. However I am currently away on holiday  
> without much
> internet connectivity so can not completely determine this as the  
> case.
> From memory one release I made accidentally had the requried OS  
> version set as
> 4.21 (i.e. Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition), meaning the  
> executables wouldn't
> run on plain Windows Mobile 2003 devices.
> I didn't pick this up until it was released as I don't have any 2003  
> powered
> devices, and the emulators for 2003 run Windows Mobile 2003 Second  
> Edition.
> Perhaps in the new year, once I get back from holiday there may be a  
> new release.
> I'll fix up this issue at that stage although I may need some help  
> in testing it.
> Sorry,
> Christopher Fairbairn

No worries :-).  If this is unintentional I'll see if I can find the  
required setting, although just waiting for a new release would be  
fine too because that version works fine.

I'm available for testing, although I cannot promise prompt response  
because the actual device is located in an office I visit at most once  
a week.


P.S. Thanks for working on a Python release for Windows CE, having  
Python there is very convenient.

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