[PythonCE] Tk/Tcl Widgets

Bandung bandung at skyesystems.com
Fri May 19 16:11:07 CEST 2006

I was thinking something similar in that perhaps we could use a lot of these
tcl components ln the same fashion that we use Tkinter widgets - as black
boxes within our Python framework.

I was eyeing their SSL toolset as an example.  Plus I like the file system
proggie.  What I want to avoid is having to code in tcl in order to make
mods, like adding my own menus.

Given that there already is a Python/tcl bridge, we should be able to do our
mods via Python.  

I also like the fact that there is a console.  But I don't want to deal with
tcl in order to develop things or launch other apps.  I haven' loaded the
module yet so I could be speaking out of turn here.

Having said all this,  I must admit a certain ignorance to what it means to
be drawn into tcl.  I suspect that I am partly there.  For example, when I
get hung up on understanding how a particular Tkinter widget feature works,
I've seen on more than one occasion that it's due to tcl syntax.  Sooo maybe
I'm halfway there :)

I also need to do some quick googling to better understand your IronPython
.Net statement.  But boy oh boy, I really do like your dig on this project.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Tk-Tcl+Widgets-t1646602.html#a4470093
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