[PythonCE] How do you develop on the PocketPC?

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Fri Jan 13 19:32:17 CET 2006

We have three more or less complete and tested rapi modules.  I have to
admit that after reading it I like Luke's module better than the
TechGame one, although I found at least one error in it (CeCreateProcess
must take a pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION).

We have the script that I posted which implements the start of a remote
Python interpreter.  I don't know what others think of it, but I find it
pretty cool, it lets me try out code on the PDA without having to fiddle
with this stick ;-).

How should we proceed?

Create a development environment for CE, based on ctypes?

Where should the repository be?

Who is interested in developing it?

And so on.

For ctypes, wrapping the *complete* rapi functions would be an
interesting experiment, also for automated code generation.  Large
enough to be interesting, small enough to be ready in limited time.


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