[PythonCE] Tkinter PhotoImage, no such file or directory

Patrick Kramer pkramer at meton.net
Sat Apr 29 04:28:16 CEST 2006

<quote who="Michael Foord">
> Patrick Kramer wrote:
>> I have two files which are both in the PyGlucoCE directory off of root.
>> Tkintertest.py
>> BtnGluco.gif
>> Here is my code:
>> import sys
>> sys.path.append('\\Program Files\\Python24\\python24.zip\\lib-tk')
>> sys.path.append('\\PyGlucoCE')
> This appends the PyGluoCE directory to sys.path.
>> from Tkinter import *
>> root = Tk()
>> ImgGlucose = PhotoImage(file = 'BtnGluco.gif')
> This tells PhotoImage to fetch the file 'BtnGluco.gif' from the current
> directory. This is your problem I believe. Pass an absolute path here
> and it should go away.
>> print ImgGlucose.height()
>> b = Button(root, image=ImgGlucose)
>> b.image = ImgGlucose
>> b.pack()
>> root.mainloop()
>> Now I get this error:
>> _tkinter.TclError: couldn't open "BtnGluco.gif": no such file or directory
>> The weird part is I get the same error within Pydev, but if I run the script straight through commandline, it works and shows the image as a
>> button.
> Probably because you run the script from inside that directory on your
> desktop.
> PythonCE starts with the current directory somewhere else.
>> My guess is I screwed up the path append, but it looks correct to me :/
> I'm pretty sure that Tkinter *doesn't* search sys.path for image files.
> Fuzzyman
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/index.shtml

That worked, thanks... So is there a way to tell pythonce were the current directory is?

Another problem, which I think I read about earlier, is how photoimage screws up how images are displayed on windows CE. Is there a workaround for
this, or am I doing something wrong.

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