[PythonCE] ADOCE, CDB, MySQL, Databases in general?

Tod Haren tod_haren at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 15 11:08:16 CET 2005

I'm brand new to Python, but anxious to pick it up.  I'd like to get ADOCE (Active X Data Objects) to work on the Pocket PC similar to ADODB functions on the desktop.  I've worked through some of the examples for the desktop using ADODB and this is almost identical to how I've handled connections and recordsets with VBScript on the Pocket PC.
Does anyone know how I can get started with this?  I've googled all over the place and can't seem to get a hit.  I've read some rumblings about a wrapper/port for ADOCE, but that's about it.
It doesn't have to be ADOCE necessarily, just any method for accessing and manipulating the cdb exported by activesync.
! Or better yet.  Can someone point me towards getting MySQL functioning on the Pocket PC and accessable via Python.  Again, the desktop method is easily handled.
Thanks in advance.
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