[PythonCE] Python23.lib?

Salvatore Russo salvatore.russo at laposte.net
Mon Jun 27 09:49:58 CEST 2005

Hello everyone,
I am working on porting blender (www.blender3d.org) for Pocketpc. Blender is written in C/C++ and is using Python.
I downloaded “python-2.3.4-arm-HPC2000.zip”, add in my includes all Python23 includes (with Python.h, etc
) but now, EVC4 is complaining because it is looking for a “python23.lib”.
I look everywhere but I was not able to find this library. I have a “Python23.dll” but no .lib.
Does anyone have an idée how can I continue :=) ??
Can Someone say me where I can find it? Or explain how can I obtain it? Or maybe easily send it to me :=)
Thanks for your help,

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