[PythonCE] Cannot load wxpyce dll due to insufficient memory

Danny Staple danny at orionrobots.co.uk
Wed Jan 12 11:58:37 CET 2005

I have been seing the exact same problem when I import any modules from
wxPython. I have 16-19mb program memory free normally (with 32-34mb
alllocated for programs).
I was trying to import from wx using the interactive python shell.
Any thoughts?

My pocket PC has an addition 64Mb of "Internal storage" which basically
works like a memory card. Is there any way I can move windows components
over there and shortcut to it or something?

OrionRobots.co.uk - Robots from Sol to Sirius.

On Tue, January 11, 2005 8:12 pm, Stewart Midwinter said:
> I just rechecked and I now have 20 MB free for programs. You'd think
> that would be enough!
> When I shift the slider over so that more space is allocated for
> programs, say 30 MB, I notice that after a few seconds the slider
> shifts back. There doesn't seem to be a way for the user to set this
> manually and have it stick.
> Be that as it may, your other comment was most helpful:
> On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 14:43:02 -0500, Brad Clements <bkc at murkworks.com>
> wrote:
>> Sometimes I think some other errors loading a DLL will get labelled as
>> "out of memory"
>> error, even when it's not an out of memory condition.
> In the sample.py app, I commented out the "import traceback" line, and
> the app worked!  Good to know that wxPython can be used on this
> platform.
> I was also able to run the colourchooser.py app, though it was
> designed for a larger screen size. However, clearly more work is
> needed with the wxpyce package.
>  Many other apps would not work unless I inserted a
> sys.path.append('\\Program Files\\python\\lib') so they could find the
> wx folder. Some apps, like the analogclocks.py, appear to have bugs in
> them and don't run properly, at least on my device.
> Getting Tkinter apps to run seems a lot less problematic, by comparison.
> cheers,
> --
> Stewart Midwinter
> stewart at midwinter.ca
> stewart.midwinter at gmail.com

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