[PythonCE] Non-english PPC device users on this list?

Christian Baumgärtel chrbaumgaertel at gmx.de
Mon Jan 10 23:17:00 CET 2005

Obtaining the "Program Files"-Folder:
 I think the standard way to get it, is to use the windows API function
with nFolder = CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, see

ATTENTION: In in earlier documentation, (for WinCE3.0) I read, that the
operating system returns FALSE, even if this function succeeds. I have not
tried this function on WinCE, but use it on standard windows systems.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Clements" <bkc at murkworks.com>
To: <pythonce at python.org>
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: [PythonCE] Non-english PPC device users on this list?

> Can someone confirm that non-english version of PPC devices use language
> names for \Program Files or \Storage Card\Program Files?
> I'm working on the python code that figures out sys.path and where to
dynamically load
> python23.dll from, and I think this is an long standing bug that we
hard-code "\Program
> Files" which doesn't work on non-english devices.
> --
> Brad Clements,                bkc at murkworks.com   (315)268-1000
> http://www.murkworks.com                          (315)268-9812 Fax
> http://www.wecanstopspam.org/                   AOL-IM: BKClements
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