[PythonCE] Editor for WinCE

Michael Foord mike at pcblokes.com
Fri Dec 30 10:34:36 CET 2005

Info4HiDeVis wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm searching for a small text-editor for winCE, but i havn't found someone.
> Have anybody a tip witch program are good for editing into winCE ?
Hmmm.. I use Pocket Notepad. :-)
It doesn't do indentation though.

Pocket IDLE is ok - but I can't get it to share it's clipboard with
windows. It also crashes occasionally. I *think* both these problems are
down to the Tk/Tcl port not IDLE itself - other people don't report the
same problems, but I've tried re-installing and had the smae issues on
two devices.

I'd also welcome suggestions...

All the best,


> th
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