[PythonCE] Changing window options..

Isr Gish isrgish at fastem.com
Fri Nov 12 12:31:51 CET 2004

Patric Michael"<patric at usa.net>

   >> This is supposed to handle SIP popup, but it requires windows messages
   >> to get posted to the parent window. Perhaps that doesn't happen when
   >> raw_input is used..
   >Aye.  I have a number of copies and versions of shells from a variety of 
   >packages.  Most have what you indicate in it, as does the one in 
   >question.  I can get input() functionality, or SIP resizing, from one or 
   >another, but not both at the same time. :)

You may want to look at the readline function in the one that supports the input functions. That function is what lets the input functions function.  There is also a function called something like OnChar(something or other) which is the function that actually collects the input from the keyboard. It may be possible to copy these functions the pcshell.py that the keyboard doesn't overlap.

All the best,

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