[PythonCE] Python 2.3 for CE issues

Johnny deBris johnny at debris.demon.nl
Mon Jun 14 04:11:06 EDT 2004

David L. Kashtan wrote:

>I am almost ready to release a new version of Python/CE.
>It is based on 2.3.4 and should be much closer in functionality
>to the Windows Python 2.3.4
That would be very nice... If you need anything infrastructure-wise let 
me know, I'm tinking especially about a CVS repository, I think it would 
make sense to have one also for future development and keeping track of 
changes etc. (although I also noticed the CE community has not used one 
yet and so far at least it seems most versions are covered, so even 
though you guys seem to work less structured than what I'm used to at 
least stuff seems to happen).

>It is built for Pocket PC 2003 -- but if people need a Pocket PC 2002
>version I can probabl make that as well.
/me raises finger (but don't worry if it's just for me, I can live with 
the previous one just fine).



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