[PythonCE] wxPython on CE

Brian Retford brian at cococorp.com
Fri Dec 17 21:23:29 CET 2004

With the stuff I removed the python + wx + wxPython distro is 11mb. I 
think it could be made smaller by another 2 mb or so. The memory 
footprint is around 6 to 8 mb. The biggest problem now is the import 
time for wx. I've spent some time trying to reduce it, but right now it 
sits at about 7 seconds (400 mhz xscale) and 12 seconds (167 mhz OMAP).

I'll see about getting these files up on  a server here, if that 
doesn't work I'll mail them to someone who can post them on sourceforge 
or something.


On Dec 17, 2004, at 12:07 PM, Tim Lesher wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 11:55:42 -0800, Brian Retford <brian at cococorp.com> 
> wrote:
>> I nearly killed myself doing so, but I have a largely functional port
>> of wxPython to CE.
> Wow... nice.  I didn't think it would happen that quickly.
> What kind of memory and storage footprint are you seeing for wxPython?
> -- 
> Tim Lesher <tlesher at gmail.com>
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