[PythonCE] I need an example

Anthony Tuininga anthony.tuininga at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 23:31:04 CET 2004

Yes. The diffs are attached.

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 11:25:10 -0500, Isr Gish <isrgish at fastem.com> wrote:
> Hi Anthony
>    >On the XML parsing front I did manage to produce a port of pyexpat for
>    >Windows CE that worked for me quite well. I posted the patches to this
>    >list a few weeks ago. They are quite small and self-contained so they
>    >probably could be included in the main distribution.
> Can you post the pyexpat port again?
> Thanks
> Isr
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Name: xmlparse.c.diff
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Url : http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonce/attachments/20041203/741fcd5a/xmlparse.c.bin
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