[PythonCE] yes, I know I'm insane

Johnny deBris johnny at debris.demon.nl
Wed Aug 4 19:50:07 CEST 2004

Harry Lee wrote:

> has anyone actually gotten a zope or plone running on a pythonce platform?

Lol, I don't think so. It would for starters mean that the C-code should 
be adjusted, I don't think it's going to be easy...

If you get it to work, do let me know though... ;)



P.S. If you are really insane enough to start working on it yourself, I 
think that Zope 3 will probably make a better candidate to port than 
Zope 2, because it's way better structured and the dependencies of 
individual parts are way less thight. I think most pieces of Zope 3 
functionality will probably be useable stand-alone (while in Zope 2, 
every part seems to rely on another), which should make it a bit easier 
to port (you can port one part at a time, starting with easy stuff and 
working your way up).

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