[PythonCE] Re: Using the PPC / Networking in PythonCE?

Jeff Bauer jbauer at rubic.com
Tue Sep 30 07:41:25 EDT 2003

At the 7th International Python Conference in 1998
(has it been that long ago?) I demonstrated a Python
web server running on a Sharp Mobilon HC-4600.

At the time, I had also hacked the interpreter
command line to run be interactively from a PC
console session. 

Additionally in the past, I've used socket datagrams
to communicate debugging information from Python
running on a CE device to another networked computer.


Jeff Bauer
Rubicon, Inc.

Peter Olsen wrote:
> I'm _much_ more interested in TCP/IP than in Windows Networking.
> For example, I'd like to install a Python POP server and an SMTP
> server on my Jornada so I could avoid some of the control Pocket
> Outlook seeks to gain over my mail.

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