[PythonCE] Cabfile distribution for HPC2000

Telion telionce@yahoo.com
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 08:39:15 -0700 (PDT)

I made Cabfile distribution for HPC2000.

You can download directly to your HPC and install, if you like.

What it does:

  It will allow you to install in the directory of your choice.
  (But we can't install to an existing direcotry)

  It will set fileassociation with Python and .py, .pyc.

  It will create a shortcut and place it in the start menu.

  Most of optional features are integrated.
  (See readme file for detail)

What it doesn't:

  It will not uninstall totally.
  (This is mostly due to .pyc files  created by compilation)

  It does not include Documents, test suites, DEMO, and other
  script/module directories.

Depending on how you feel about the size,
I'll make zipped version of Cabfile.


Please try out and tell me if there is any problem.


I made this Cabfile with the installer utility created by Javier.
Although I used lower level interface, it has nice wxWindow GUI
interface, as well.

This utility saved me a lot. of time.
Thank you, Javier.

- telionce@yahoo.com -

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