[PythonCE] input And raw_input

Brad Clements bkc@murkworks.com
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 08:12:21 -0400

On 2 Oct 2002 at 20:47, goodey27@juno.com wrote:

> I'm using an iPaq 3670 running pocketpc 2002
> it has a strong arm cpu
> python version 2.2
> I'm not sure from where I dowloaded put I think I followed a link from
> www.python.org I didn't set encoding in site.py I dont know anything about
> that

This is a PPC platform. Raw_input won't work because there isn't a real console. You 
can use a message box or dialog for input. win32gui also has a helper function 
described in the desktop pythonwin docs..  I forget  what it's called, but it's meant for 
"one line prompt, one line input with ok,cancel" dialog..

Brad Clements,                bkc@murkworks.com   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com                          (315)268-9812 Fax
AOL-IM: BKClements