[PythonCAD] Hello

ml.cssoft at gmail.com ml.cssoft at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 00:42:23 CEST 2009

Hello all, this is my first post to this mailing list. 
First of all sorry for my bad English :(
My name is Srdjan and I would like to join the development of PythonCad
as much as my knowledge, and spare time allows.

I like programing in python, and I really like PythonCad, and would
like to help a bit.

What I would like to see in future are some toolbars, dxf read/write,
change cursor to "white cross cursor" when drawing instead of default
arrow, paper size borders, some kind of templates, pop-up menu, and so

So far I have converted open and save dialog to gtk.FileChooserDialog,
add simple toolbar, some simple code in tools.py to redraw image (now
Undo/Redo/Delete/VerticalMove/HorizontalMove/Two-Point Move
correctly redraw). 

How can I contribute this code?

sorry for my bad English :(

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