[PythonCAD] R: Re: PythonCAD should remain focused on 2D until complete

euro_ii at libero.it euro_ii at libero.it
Tue Dec 1 20:03:54 CET 2009

Ok Guys ...

I do not like Autocad at All... it's an old slow program ...

you try GBG DraftMaker M10  FreeToDesing you can understand what is a good 
mecanical 2d cad ....

For my point of view, we have to think at what feature 
really help the user do develop a fast 2d drawing...
Actually 90% of the 
Mechanical parts need a 2d Drawing to be done ...( OK most of this caming from 
3d )..
Actually all the opensource 3d program have a very beed 2d parts ...(May 
be they need PythonCad) 

So i think that we need to explore in deep the 
iso/ansi/jis standards and put as mutch as possible in PythonCad.

I like the 
user interface like it is ...
Of course we need a toolbar .. as Gertwin suggest 
a configurable palette will be a good idea ...Most the people that use Autocad 
have thousend of icons on the application, but they most used are 4/5 of it..

Now me and the developer team have started the R38 version ...

We can decide 
all togheder witch feature to implement for that version.

I think that we can 
start to think at the user interface for the R40 ......


>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: jantonio.martin at gmail.com
>Data: 01/12/2009 
>A: "Glenn Meader"<glenn at chromakinetics.com>
>Cc: <pythoncad at python.org>

>Ogg: Re: [PythonCAD] PythonCAD should remain focused on 2D until complete
completely agree with Glenn.
>José Antonio
>On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 
at 3:54 PM, Glenn Meader <glenn at chromakinetics.com> wrote:
>> Interesting 
suggestions on 3D, embedding, etc. -- but there is so much work
>> to do just 
to make a decent 2D CAD tool!
>> Look at the feature request list on the 
>> http://morgul.no-ip.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=feature_requests
After basic 2D functionality is complete, it would be nice to have a better
user-interface with toolbar, right-click menus and more information about
what's happening being displayed.
>> AutoCAD has an old, poor user 
interface. I'd like to see a modern, well
>> thought out UI, perhaps like 
>> What CAD packages have user interfaces that you admire?
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